Register for Your Classes in Four Easy Steps!
1. Check your student account balance. It must be $0.00 for you to register.
- Log in to Aurora College Self-Service
- Select the Finances Tab, and then click on “Balance” in the grey bar under the tab menu
- On the left-hand menu bar there is an “Options” tab. Select the correct period (year/term) and click on the “Change” button to view your outstanding balance.
- If you have any questions or are having problems viewing your balance, please visit your campus’ Admissions Office and they can assist you with Self-Service.If you do have an outstanding balance, please contact your campus’ Admissions Office to make a payment, or pay online. For help with paying online, please watch this quick tutorial:
- Payment can also be taken over the telephone at your campus:
- Aurora Campus Phone: (867) 777-7800
- Thebacha Campus Phone: (867) 872-7500
- Yellowknife North Slave Campus Phone: (867) 920-3030
2. Get your course list from your instructor. The Course List should include:
- The Course Number (example: ENGL 0110)
- The Section Code (example: YYK1)

3. Register for your courses
- For help – please watch this short video tutorial:
- After registering, check with your advisor (usually your Senior Instructor, or Program Head) to make sure they can view your registration.
4. Pay Your Tuition!
- Tuition is due when classes start. However, you don’t need to wait until classes start to pay your tuition. You can pay anytime online or at your campus’ admissions office.
Don’t forget to submit your Student Financial Assistance Form D to your Campus Admissions Office at least one month prior to your course start dates to ensure you receive your funding on time for winter semester!
Registration for Fall 2023 is now open.
Logging into your account
Aurora College Libraries
Student Housing Information
In order to continue in student housing after the holidays, you must ensure that:
- Your student account is at $0.00 balance
- You have registered full-time in Winter Courses
- You have signed a new lease agreement with your Student Housing Officer/Manager.
If you have questions, please contact your campus Student Housing Office:
General Inquiries
General Inquiries:
Phone: 1-866-266-4966
Admissions Office:
Residence Office: