What is Literacy?
More than just reading and writing, literacy is a way to understand and be a part of the world around you. Being able to read and write, having the skills, knowledge and understanding to manage your personal and work life are all part of literacy.
Aurora College’s Literacy Outreach Centre in Yellowknife works with people who want to improve their English literacy levels but who are not ready to enrol in our Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) course.

Yellowknife Literacy Outreach Centre
The Yellowknife Literacy Outreach Centre is a partnership with Inclusion NWT and offers a number of programs both on-site and in the community to individuals with or without disabilities.
Programs offered by the Yellowknife LOC include:
-Adult Literacy Classes
-Introduction to Computer Basics Levels 1 & 2
-Family Literacy
-Tutoring Services
-Baker Centre Book Club
Contact the LOC in Yellowknife Today
Coordinator, Xiaoyi Yan
Phone: (867) 920-3016
Email: xyan@auroracollege.nt.ca
Literacy Instructor
Email: loc@inclusionnwt.ca