Thebacha Campus’ Stuvdent Success Centre provides academic, career and life skills support to students. If you are struggling in any area or would like general support, we are here to help!
Some of the Centre’s services and resources include:
- Tutoring Program
- Drop-in Assistance
- Scholarship Application Assistance
- Assistance for Study Skills, Learning Strategies or Exam Anxiety
- Academic Accommodations Assistance
- Career Planning
- Résumé and Cover Letter Writing Assistance
- Academic and Learning Support Workshops
- Personal and Life Management Support (financial planning, forms and applications completion, health management tips etc.)
- Emergency Food Bank
- Kitchenette
- Computers and Printer
The Student Success Centre is located centrally in Thebacha Campus in Room 148. There are student-access computers and a variety of resource materials available for students. There are also books, movies, games and hobby supplies available for students to check-out and borrow. Information regarding events taking place on and off campus is shared regularly in the centre. The Student Success Center is open during regular office hours during the week. As part of the Student Success Team, we have a Student Success Coordinator that can provide academic and study skills support, a Student Life and Wellness Coordinator that can provide life, wellness and recreation-related support, and a Counsellor who can provide mental health and wellness, and general guidance counselling support.
Contact the Student Success Coordinator!